dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011

Aprèn anglès online

Aprende inglés online

Este servicio, es nuevo, va dirigido a personas que no tienen tiempo para ir a una academia.

Es un servicio personalizado, se daran las clases segun las necesidades de los alumnos.

Al ser un servicio via internet, servirá para ofercer una formación de calidad a un buen precio.

learn english online

A new way to learn english, via webcamp. If you need to improve your english level and you do not have enough time to dot it. You can try this new service.

We will personalize depending on what you will need, depending on the level, depending if you need it for bussines and so on.

Learn spanigh through webcamp

We nowadays need to know a lot of languages in order to find a good job, and sometimes we haven't got enought time to go to a academy. That's why we offer our new service. You will have the opportunity to learn spanish were ever you are.

If you are a bussinesman, a university student or a person who is interested in learn this language, we offer you the opportunity to learn on line and moreover it will be a cheap service. Since is online.

We will use the webcamp in order to practice the speaking part, because this is a very important part to learn the pronunciation.